At first glance, this seems to be a future
Sony PlayStation,
Sony an alternative to NPM. Created by
Hirotaka Matsui, PS Square is a conceptual
mobile smart device that is directed against members of the public who are 12 to 14 years. More pictures and info after the break...
PS Square supports charging by induction, Bluetooth, 3G, and you can insert a microSD slot. QWERTY keyboard and large display (OLED probably) is connected and the device can easily connect to PC and TV, wirelessly.
Same concept portable device supports social networks, games (as evidenced by the directional pad) and school work, even if you have time for that. action buttons are also present and an eReader to be on board, too. It is difficult for me to see teenagers doing their homework on this unit because I'd personally tried to socialize and play games on it but it's a very cool gadget, to be honest.
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